Specific classes 2021-11-01T11:36:36+00:00

Classes for specific needs

We will build your lesson starting from your goals, your needs and from your abilities.
Joseph Pilates himself, said that Pilates is for everyone because it is adaptable to every need.
Our teachers are eclectic, and therefore are able to observe, evaluate and then choose the best work protocol that suits your body and your goals.
In addition to the “get in shape” program of traditional classes that helps get back in shape quickly, we offer a series of sessions aimed at any specific category and individual need.

All of our classes can be taught in English, if requested.


After appropriate medical therapy and physiotherapy, Pilates is perfect for a quick and optimal recovery to regain the right functionality of your body after a trauma, an injury or a surgery, after episodes of low back pain with hernias or protrusions, neck pain, scoliosis, osteoporosis, fractures or ligament injuries.
It allows to easily find the balance that you had before the trauma, favoring the early resumption of everyday’s life.

Class schedule: chosen by the client.
Mon – Fri: from 7:00 AM to 9:00 PM
Saturday: from 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM


Every sport, to be successful, requires the athlete’s concentration, control from the center, strength, flexibility, coordination and connection between body and mind, that is, all the main features of Pilates’ method.
The number of athletes that choose Pilates as a compensatory gymnastics and to increase their sports performance is growing drastically.
Our Pilates teacher, during the session, will choose the best exercises suited for the sport you practice.

Class schedule: chosen by the client.
Mon – Fri: from 7:00 AM to 9:00 PM
Saturday: from 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM


Pilates method is an excellent choice as a corrective and educational gymnastics, being also a stimulant for the production of osteoblasts for bones that suffer of osteoporosis, and acting as nourishment for the joints that suffer of arthritis or osteoarthritis. This is why Pilates is so indicated for the very young that suffer of paramorphism, dysmetria, scoliosis or other mobility difficulties, or for the not so young anymore with aging signs in their musculoskeletal system.
For this reasons, both Junior and Senior can find tremendous results and benefits by practicing Pilates.

Class schedule: chosen by the client.
Mon – Fri: from 7:00 AM to 9:00 PM
Saturday: from 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM


During pregnancy the body undergoes many changes that often don’t allow to practice regular sports activities.
Pilates’ Pregnancy Protocol works on the breathing, on the maintenance of posture and flexibility, on the control of the pelvic floor to facilitate child’s birth, on the reinforcement of the back and arms, in order to help manage the mother’s natural increase of weight but also help child’s birth.

Class schedule: chosen by the client.
Mon – Fri: from 7:00 AM to 9:00 PM
Saturday: from 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM


After giving birth, the mother wants to get back in shape as quickly as possible.
The belly requires a specific work to approach back the recti abdominis (in case of physiological diastase, to allow the fetus’ growth) and of containment, creating a sort of internal muscle sheath with the work on the transversus abdominis. In addition, the pelvic floor needs to be re-educated and reinforced after the efforts of childbirth.
Pilates’ Powerhouse helps to achieve all the above. Mothers, this way will start getting once again control of their body as they were before pregnancy. There is no contraindication in case of breastfeeding and/or in case of caesarean, even if in the last case, Pilates must be practiced only after the 7th week from the section to avoid tearing the wound.

Class schedule: chosen by the client.
Mon – Fri: from 7:00 AM to 9:00 PM
Saturday: from 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM

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